Masters of Song Fu – Update #1
Bad planning. Here we are, two days left to the Song Fu deadline, and I’m away all week with work. South of the border with half a song. Over the weekend I worked out the music and lyrics, ably assisted…
Inverbegnac Regurgitated
I’ve been doing a lot of mixing of live recordings over the last few weeks, and needed a little break, so last night I messed around a bit with a couple of video editing programs to see which would be…
Electronics + Beer = Not Good
We had a bit of a crisis at our latest gig… The mixing desk made a rather loud bang and stopped working just before the start of the 2nd set. Everything was lit up, but not a whimper of sound…
Flux Sake
I’ve had a fairly hectic few weeks between various gigs, changing jobs and increasing family taxi services. Another two live sound gigs – one very cool show in a barn as part of a party/barbequeue/dance/shindig event, and another more local…
Studio Progress…?
One month later and things are starting to come together. Hopefully. Studio Bordet (or whatever it will be called) is on the road to construction – it has power, light and walls. The next step is building a frame to…
Where did June go?
It seems like a couple of days ago that I last posted here, but looking at the date it turns out to be almost a month. So what on earth have I been doing? To start with, the local band…
Lunar Sea
A good week for music… Engineering The local band I’m doing sound engineer for are gearing up for a couple of gigs in the next month – they’ve build up a decent setlist now, and feel ready to perform in…
Hat Change
I had a bit of a change of role yesterday in musical terms. There is a local band who needed a stand-in sound man to cover the mixing of their live sound. I got the call-up and took myself along…