Great Hites

Great Hites Stories

  • Great Hites

    Take It Away!

    Over at Great Hites, my story “Take It Away” has proved reasonably popular amongst the people who take the time to vote. It tells of a great pianist who returns to his old school, whereupon he sits down at the…

  • Great Hites,  Some Other Scotland

    The Cave and Podiobooks

    My latest short story to appear at ‘Great Hites’ is called “The Cave“. It is another short spin-off from ‘Some Other Scotland’, taking us back to the events (thousands of years ago) that set in motion much of what is…

  • Great Hites

    Dandelions Of Memory

    No, it’s not a UFO or an airship – it’s the blimp flying over T in the Park, just down the road. This week’s Great Hites story is ready and waiting to be read and/or downloaded. It is called “Dandelions…

  • Great Hites

    Therapy Session

    Great Hites episode 58 is ready to view and download now. My story this week is more of a short character study than previous entries have been, dealing with a single woman struggling to come to terms with bereavement despite…

  • Great Hites

    Running Shoes

    There is a new episode of Great Hites with an impressive seven stories this week, all inspired by the prompt “Running Shoes”. Mine takes place in a not-too-distant future where there is a ban on footwear, a seemingly innocuous and…

  • Great Hites

    Ida the Fossil

    There’s another of my short stories available to read or download and listen to over at Great Hites this week. This one sets up a tale of lost love, interplanetary travel and homecoming around the recently discovered primate fossil, claimed…

  • Great Hites

    The Robot Band

    There’s another story from me, now ready at Great Hites. This one is musical in nature, after a fashion, and puts a bit of a spin on the question “What kind of band would you hire if money was no…

  • Great Hites


    Another week – another episode of Great Hites – this one is very short, and you’ll either love it or hate it. It’s about a little dog that rescues a group of shipwreck survivors. After this, I have another couple…