
OMP (Orchestral Menagerie in the Park) 1983
OMP (Orchestral Menagerie in the Park)

The Songwriters’ Guild 1992
A compilation album featuring the following artists inspired by Peter Hammill:-
- Dans Son Cabinet Le Dentiste… (ecoutait Peter Hammill) [Bene Gesserit]
- Karelia [Anekdoten]
- Dead Men… [Nick Groom]
- Umbrellas [Mal Short]
- One Night In The Back Of A Fire Engine [The Deserters]
- If Looks Could Kill [Alan Gerrard]
- The Mysterious Death of I.B. [Ron Jagielnik]
- Pumping The Virus [Paul Denby]
- Peter The Great [M.A.L]
- Waltz Of THe Limping Dead [Dead Frog]
- The Human Abstract [Peter Ostrowski]
- You And Me [Miles Ellison and Philip Lord]
- Shattered Illusions [Music For The Deaf]
- The Only One [Thymme Jones]
- Don’t Look Too Closely [Dean Carter and the High Commission]
- Drawing The Line [Harward Rubens and Raymond Davidson]
- Flow [Howl in the Typewriter]
- La Rissole [The Kev Trundley Trouser Experience]
- A Bitter Sweet [Clive Price]
- Dream House Destroyed [Asa Nisi]
- Red Cap [Frog]
- Let Donald In [Sean Kelly]