• fawm logo
    Music,  Solo

    More Challenging

    Having managed to get halfway through the “10 Weeks – 10 Sounds” challenge with an interesting collection of new tunes, the time has come to step it up a little. February is home to two musical equivalents of NaNoWriMo that…

  • BeatPad and Mouth Organ
    Music,  Instruments,  Solo

    BeatPad and Mouth Organ

    BeatPad is another iOS drum machine, but one that is quite different from DM1, being perhaps more like a variant of the Akai MPC series (though I’ve never used one of those, so I can’t say for certain). Like DM1,…

  • Alto Recorder and Whirlie
    Solo,  Music,  Instruments

    Alto Recorder and Whirlie

    Of all the ten challenges, this is the one I have been expecting to cause the most difficulty, as it is all about wind sounds, with little opportunity for contrast. This could easily have resulted in just being a wailing…

  • Kalimbas and Celtic
    Music,  Instruments,  Solo

    Kalimba and Celtic Flute

    The kalimba is one of the newest instruments in my collection; it’s a traditional African instrument with metal tines attached to a resonator (in this case a coconut with a wooden top) and came from the Christmas market at Wilhelminenberg.…

  • NodeBeat & Clarinet
    Music,  Instruments,  Solo

    NodeBeat and Clarinet

    The second challenge for ‘10 Weeks : 10 Sounds‘ is a little more complex than the first and resulted in three long pieces in a fairly laid-back smoky jazz-club sort of style. NodeBeat is a graphical sequencer for the iPad…