Mick Bordet first flexed his creative muscles as part of the eclectic, West of Scotland band The Deserters, where he contributed such long-forgotten classics as “The Chappie in the Nappie”, “Sweet Chick” and “Remembering the Juicy Berries”. He progressed from the lowly yobstick to guitar and occasional keyboards, taking influence from music as diverse as celtic folk and modern classical minimalism.
Jump a decade or so into the new millennium and after a dry spell, Mick returned seriously to music as part of the flexible progressive duo The Lunacy Board. Within the space of a few short years, they have already created some fairly unique music that is both multi-layered and simple, dense yet full of the rough edges of real life. With three albums to their name, all available as downloads, the Lunacy Board are only at the first stage in their development.
In amongst the bands, Mick has branched out into solo and collaborative works, inspired by the Masters of Song Fu, he has written a number of songs that have appeared in various places around the internet.
In 2008 Mick returned to writing, something he had not done for many years. He started by jumping in at the deep end and writing a novel, which he completed rapidly and is currently in the second round of editing. This was followed by a number of short stories that were published as part of two podcast series; Great Hites and 100 Word Stories and gave Mick the idea of writing his next novel in podcast form.
Some Other Scotland is the ongoing story of an alternative Scotland, with aspects of science fiction meeting historical fiction and current events. As well as being podcast, the series encourages listeners to shape the progress of the story by voting in polls to change current events.
Mick’s latest project is a joint collaboration to produce short stories in a podcast form that have been inspired by a series of photographs. Every Photo Tells… displays a new photograph every month and two brand new short stories are produced for the podcast in the space of that month.