Re: Your Brains
I’ve just completed a couple of tracks (bass and guitar) for internet-based Jonathan Coulton covers band ‘The Mandelbrot Set’. Cover versions are something I generally steer clear of, mainly because I have little enough time to record my own music…
Masters of Song Fu – Update #3 – 100th Post!
Song Fu The final day of voting for round one is here, and I think I can safely say that it’s the end of the road for this song fu disciple as far as the official competition goes. I enjoyed…
Lyrics Galore
To give a little more insight into the Board’s songs, the lyrics from all the songs in the first two albums are now available on the website. Simply click on a song name on either the Eponymous Debut page or…
Phew! Back to some state of normal.
I thought this blog would be very busy over the time we were putting together our 3-album release, but in fact the whole process has been so demanding of time that nothing has been posted here about the albums. So…
In the midst of an album-a-day
This just about marks the halfway point of the Album-a-Day project, “Difficult Second”, and I’m pleased to say we have an album’s worth of material. It is perhaps a little rougher around the edges than our usual fare, but such…
The Lunacy Board – 3 Albums in 3 Days
This is the news I’ve been waiting to announce – it’s a big undertaking, so we wanted to make sure it would all come together and so far everything is going to plan. As you know, there has been a…