Masters of Song Fu – Update #3 – 100th Post!
Song Fu
The final day of voting for round one is here, and I think I can safely say that it’s the end of the road for this song fu disciple as far as the official competition goes. I enjoyed the challenge, though the song is not a great piece of work – certainly it didn’t deserve to be in the top of the pile, though I did personally prefer it to a couple of others in the competition. Of course, my tastes are pretty far from normal songwriter fare, so I’ll not name names.
So thanks to those of you who voted for my efforts – 1% of the vote may not seem like a lot, but it means that almost 20 people thought my song was better than all the rest, which is fine by me. Or maybe I just got the ‘pity’ vote.
Whatever the reason, thanks, and you’ll maybe be pleased to hear that I’m planning on continuing to follow the challenges even though I’ll be out of the official competition. I think it’s a good way to keep flexing the old songwriting muscle and building up my Fu for the next time…?
100 Posts
Yes, this is the 100th post to this blog. I’m really pleased how far things have come since I kicked this off a couple of years ago. Thanks to those few of you who pop back for a visit now and again, and also to my family who put up with my musical meanderings.
Have we got a video?
There is now a video to accompany the song ‘Choices‘ from ‘Difficult Second‘. You can view it in miniature above or at the Lunacy Board site, or click here to see it on YouTube – please leave your comments and feel free to give it a nice high rating!