User Fiendly
Track of the Week
Brain Drain Rap
Week 9 of the grand mp3 download extravaganza.
OK, I missed a couple of weeks. Here’s a concerted effort to fill the gap…
This song was written by Lee, and deals with the general user-unfriendliness of computers. This was written in a time before Windows, when the Sinclair empire was still king (in the UK, at least), hard disks cost about the same as a small car and held less data than a mobile phone does today. Things have improved since then. Or have they?
The song is written as a kind of cheesy rap, totally programmed into the computer with only a short acoustic (mandolin) part at the end, and represents an ongoing battle against the computerised world. The part of the computer is played by a ZX Spectrum speech synthesiser – cutting edge stuff in its day!
The whole album, The Album That Never Was is now available for download. Pay whatever you think it is worth to you!
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