I like podcasting. I have a cheap and cheerful little mp3 player which I take with me whenever I travel. It only holds about 2 CDs’ worth of music at once, but it is near indestructible and runs for hours on a single battery. I always have a few bits of whatever music I’m currently listening to along with the latest episode of ‘Spellbound’, which is a podcast radio show dedicated to theremin music.
A range of what is known as ‘pod-safe’ music is available now for people running podcast shows. This is music which the artist has allowed to be downloaded freely for inclusion in podcasts, the aim being to keep podcasts financially viable to all and enable artists to spread their music to new audiences.
Seems like a good idea to me, so if you are a podcaster and would like to include some Deserters or Mick Bordet music on your show, pop over to the Podsafe Music Network to see what I’ve made available. All I’d ask is that you let me know if you’re including any of our music, so that we can link to your podcast from here.