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Writing,  NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2010

NaNo GraphTwo years ago I took part in National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo as it is known to its friends). The result, though still in need of some editing and fine-tuning, inspired me to move on to start Some Other Scotland and onwards to short stories and more. This year, I’m going to go for it again, writing 50,000 words in the space of a single month. It won’t be a breeze, but it will be fun, I’m fairly certain.

As I write this, I have two rough ideas for what to write this November. One is the follow-up to the first book I wrote in 2008, set in the past and probably includes murders and time-travel. The second option is a riches-to-rags-to-riches tale set in a not too distant utopian future. Since my ideas for both are no more than basic sketches, I probably won’t decide on which one to go for until mid-October, at which point I will start the planning process.

So that I don’t slack off, for the following two months there will be a little graph of my progress on display here. Feel free to kick my virtual arse if you find me falling behind!

Fellow NaNos, if you’d like to add me as a buddy, my username is SOScotland (Click to view my profile).