NaNo Prep
Next month is going to be pretty crazy, with 50,000 words to get down in only 30 days, so a little preparation is required.
The first thing to do is to clear the boards to make room for the novel. That means I can’t afford the time to be writing other things. No Some Other Scotland and no Every Photo Tells…, but don’t worry. The second part of the plan is to make October an almost-equally busy month by preparing those things in advance. By tonight I will have another episode of SOS and a short story ready for EPT ready to go. Before the end of the month I will have yet another SOS episode and another EPT story, so that I can release those in November and keep the podcasts ticking over whilst NaNoWriMo is in full swing.
The next thing to do is to start planning my novel for NaNo. I have made the decision what it will be and have a very sketchy outline drawn up in Scrivener (my writing software of choice), as well as starting to work out the background to the world in which the novel will be set, some 60 or so years in the future.
I’m planning on attending a few NaNo events too, mainly the regular “write-ins”, but possibly also a planning meeting if there is one held locally. It will be good, I hope, to get to meet some fellow writers and see what comes of these events.
I will be blogging about the whole experience on this site (just select the ‘NaNoWriMo‘ category on the left of this page to see all posts made to date about the topic) and probably doing daily wordcounts on twitter. Do stop by for updates, to leave comments or just to ask “Have you met your target today?”

NaNoWriMo 2010

So Long, Myspace
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One Comment
My prep will consist of the same amount of EPT stories and buying about a ton of coffee beans!