Running Shoes
There is a new episode of Great Hites with an impressive seven stories this week, all inspired by the prompt “Running Shoes”. Mine takes place in a not-too-distant future where there is a ban on footwear, a seemingly innocuous and silly law to pass, but one which has major implications. The tale provides the viewpoint of one person who’s life has been turned upside-down from the day of the announcement.
I must give a big “Thank you!” to everyone who voted for my last two stories at GH, in particular for “Signal”, which has been one of my personal favourites since I started submitting to Jeff’s site. The three ‘winning’ stories will be appearing at some point in the future within a special anthology edition of ‘Great Hites’.
I have just completed another story for the site, this time based on a minor character from ‘Some Other Scotland’ – more on that when it surfaces.