Lick of Paint
In preparation for finally getting this album out, I’ve given The Lunacy Board website a bit of a makeover. It’s not quite as haphazard as it once was, and should be a bit easier to find your way about.
No update on finished base tracks, as I ended up working on three at once, two of which are our longest songs, so are taking a while. The other day I spent a lot of time on the introduction to ‘Fairytale Propaganda’, which builds up gradually from a quiet and gentle start to a full-blown rocker. When I returned to work on it at the weekend I realised that it was just too ornate and over-orchestrated, so it will need to be stripped back a fair bit.
‘The Winning Smile’ also had to be changed, as I had set it up with a simple piano backing, but it just didn’t sound as good as it had done previously, so it now has a gentle guitar backing to start it off, but is still in the early phase of construction, so will also be getting some bass and strings.
‘Performance Evolution’ is our big concept number in about five sections which vary in style from ethereal dream-like harps and strings via neanderthal punk waltz and sugary pop to aggressive guitar serialism. Needless to say, this is taking a while to come together, though all the basics are there – it’s really only needing drums, vocals and lead guitar parts added. More on this when it’s done.
Winning the Smile
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