Changes Afoot
I’ve been away for a week, removed from phones, TV, internet and the World in general. It’s been bliss. I took along my guitar, uke and micro-studio, but neither wrote nor recorded anything new. Just doodled. Sometimes that’s just what is needed.
You may have noticed a couple of changes here. Firstly to the look and layout of the blog. I’ve moved over to the newer Blogger templates which supposedly offer more flexibility and nifty add-ons, taking the opportunity to make the blog fit in with the Lunacy Board site, thanks to the colourful header image provided by my daughter (she did this when she was just five).
You’ll find a new section titled ‘Common Topics’ to the right hand side – this will let you look at all posts dealing with certain topics, e.g. click on ‘Deserters‘ to see posts relating to the Deserters in some way, or for more detail about the steps leading up to the first Lunacy Board album, click on ‘Eponymous Debut‘. It’s also a quick way to pick out all the posts with links to downloadable music. Hopefully it will make this blog easier to navigate around. You’ll find these ‘labels’ at the bottom of each post as well, so you can skip between related posts quite quickly.
On the subject of blogs, when I first started this blog I simultaneously started a couple of others with the same content. The idea being to see which one generated most interest, was easiest to use and read. Blogger won. The others have not been updated for a couple of months now, and most likely won’t be again. It’s a pain in the neck to copy & paste all the details between them, but more importantly I don’t think it’s a great idea to have several copies floating around the web – hopefully anybody following the others will pick up from here, which will be the definitive place for my waffle outside the Lunacy Board and Deserters sites.