Kalimba Moment
Other Stuff

Photo-a-day 2013

Whilst I continue to plug away at completing and editing the rest of ‘Some Other Scotland‘, I’ve taken on a lighter challenge this month, one which is outside my usual area of interest. Katharina’s wonderful selection of photographs for Obscurities has inspired me to have a go at my own photographs of a musical nature, using the June photo challenge prompts from Fat Mum Slim.

Since I make no pretence of being any sort of a photographer, what appears here over the next thirty days most likely will win no awards, but I would like to take the opportunity to expand on K’s series, so will be tightening up the challenge so that I will only be snapping music-related pictures. As of the second day, there is already a shot of my bass guitar and a vibrating tine from the kalimba, but with prompts like ‘negative space’, ‘cute’ and ‘an animal’, it will be interesting to see how some of these can be applied to music.

The gallery above gets automatically updated every day, so return here to see the new photos as they appear, or follow me on Flickr or Pinterest, where the photos will also appear. Katharina is also doing the challenge, so why not take a look at her (much more professional-looking) photos from the challenge on her website.