We walked in the cold air…
Progress on the NaNo novel is going well, having hit over 12,000 words today.
My rate slipped a little on Friday as I was en route to the wonderful city of Vienna to visit Katharina, who you may be familiar with from her work on the Every Photo Tells… podcast. She is blazing ahead with her own NaNo story, which is coming together very nicely. We have worked well together at pushing ideas around about our respective stories.
The plot of my story is not yet fully formed, but I know enough to get me through the next week or so.
Tonight we ventured out into the city centre to our first NaNo write-in, hosted by ‘damole’ and ’01’ above a fantastic little bookshop. The large room was fairly dark, lit only by two small lamps and the screens from almost twenty laptops. There was coffee, chocolate, crisps, NaNo stickers and well-read rubber ducks.
Topics for the evening included kilts, the difference between evaporated and condensed milk, tribbles, word counts (of course) and the ongoing battle against Germany and Switzerland for best average daily word count. We had a twenty minute word sprint that gave me an extra 600 words, though that was far from the best score in the group – some people can type really fast!
A great day of writing and indulging, being productive and having fun. I’m here for another week and hoping to return to Scotland with a much enhanced word count.

Introducing “Rubbing Pennies”

Wiener Blut
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